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Health & Wellness : Occupational

Occupational Wellness

Occupational wellness is far more than the money you make or the title you hold. It is having an occupation that is personally fulfilling. This module includes activities and resources to help you develop your occupational wellness.


What is Occupational Wellness?

Occupational wellness is a sense of living and working in alignment with your unique combination of gifts, abilities, passion, education, and life experiences that make you who you are. It is being fully yourself, and making money as you do it! Occupational wellness is receiving fulfillment from one’s work by performing with integrity and enthusiasm and fully engaging in your role. Work-life balance is key to occupational wellness.


Here are some activities that you can try to help you on your path to a fulfilling career:

  • Attend a networking event or presentation.Find an event held by a local professional organization (e.g. Chamber of Commerce). These events can help you to build connections and spark new ideas.
  • Attend a Career Fair. Your college may hold career fairs a few times a year to help graduating students find careers with relevant employers. You may also be able to find career fairs in your community - open in a new tab and/or for your specific field of interest.
  • Update your résumé and cover letter.The Resume and Cover Letter module has tips to help you write your own. If your college offers employment support, they can review your resume and cover letter to help you improve these documents.
  • Explore your interests.Schedule time for your hobbies or take up a new hobby or activity.
  • Reach out to someone in your chosen field of study.Schedule time to talk to them about their job. Ask them what they like and dislike, how they obtained their current and previous roles, what their goals are, and a get a general impression of the job market
  • Write down a five-year plan to pursue your career goals. For strategies to help you set helpful goals, check out the Setting Goals submodule in the Study Skills Hub..
  • Make a bucket list.Figure out what you really want to make sure you do in your life.
  • Develop transferable and soft skills through experience. Participate in a Co-Curricular activity, volunteer experience, or other experiential learning opportunity.
  • Get a part-time job or work integrated learning opportunity. You can gain valuable experience and references from a part time job while in school, or a work integrated learning opportunity like an internship, co-op, or a field placement.

The Happy Secret to Better Work

Watch this video to discover how happiness and positivity can help you be successful.
