Well-being is an overall state of happiness and health, and the sense that your life is going well. It encompasses many different aspects of your life, such as your physical health, your relationships, your career, and your environment. All of these aspects of your life are connected and affect how happy you are in your life. This hub will help you develop strategies to improve your overall well-being.
Complete the Well-being Assessment - open in a new tab to determine the areas of wellness where you are thriving and the ones that may need greater attention.
The Well-being Assessment was adapted by The Learning Portal from the Princeton UMatter Wellness Self-Assessment - open in a new tab with permission. It is excluded from the Creative Commons license of The Learning Portal.
With the exception of the following content, all questions and categories were created by Princeton:
Princeton UMatter Initiative. (2016). Princeton UMatter Wellness Self-Assessment. Retrieved from Princeton UMatter Initiative [PDF]. - open in a new tab
This hub was created by Cambrian College opens in new window in Sudbury, Ontario.