Percentages are essentially fractions where the denominator is 100. To show that a number is a percent, we use the percent symbol (%) beside the number. For example, if you got 75 questions right out of 100 on a test (75/100), you would have scored 75%. This section gives an introduction to percentages and how to work with them.
Convert 55 percent to a fraction.
Line 1: Percent represents a fraction with a denominator of 100, so rewrite the percent as 55 over 100.
Line 2: Reduce the fraction to lowest terms by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5.
Line 3: Simplify to get the fraction 11 over 20.
Convert 55 percent to a decimal.
Line 1: Percent represents a fraction with a denominator of 100, so rewrite the percent as 55 over 100.
Line 2: Divide the numerator by the denominator. Note that since we are dividing by 100, this is the same as moving the decimal in the numerator 2 spots to the left.
Line 3: Simplify so the decimal is 0 decimal 5 5 or 55 hundredths.
Convert 0 decimal 2 5 to a percent.
Line 1: Multiply the decimal by 100 percent so is 0 decimal 2 5 times 100 percent. Note that this is the same as moving the decimal 2 spots to the right.
Line 2: Simplify and keep the percent as part of your answer so the answer is 25 percent.
Convert 42 over 60 to a percent.
Line 1: Convert a fraction to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator, so it is 42 dividing by 60.
Line 2: Simplify to 0 decimal 7.
Line 3: Multiply the decimal by 100 percent so it is 0 decimal 7 times 100 percent.
Line 4: Simplify and keep the percent as part of your answer so the answer is 70 percent.
Source: "Prealgebra - opens in a new window" by Lynn Marecek & Mary Anne Anthony-Smith is licensed under CC BY 4.0 - opens in a new window / A derivative from the original work - opens in a new window