A fraction is a way to represent parts of a whole. Fractions are written as one number over another number (e.g. ½ ). The bottom number (the denominator) represents the number of equal parts the whole has been divided into. The bottom number the numerator represents how many parts are included. This section will give you a brief introduction to fractions and explain some types of fractions that are important for you to know.
Example 1. Name the fraction of the circle that is shaded in the figure below. | |
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How many equal parts are there? There are eight equal parts. How many are shaded? Five parts are shaded. Five of the eight parts are shaded. Therefore, the fraction of the circle that is shaded is 5/8. |
Example 2. Name the fraction of the square that is shaded in the figure below. | |
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How many equal parts are there? There are nine equal parts. How many are shaded? Two parts are shaded. Two of the nine parts are shaded. Therefore, the fraction of the square that is shaded is 2/9. |
Examples Source: "Prealgebra - opens in a new window" by Lynn Marecek & Mary Anne Anthony-Smith is licensed under CC BY 4.0 - opens in a new window / A derivative from the original work - opens in a new window